How good is that?!
Yeah, really good. Not listened to any rap on here anywhere near as good as this....
How good is that?!
Yeah, really good. Not listened to any rap on here anywhere near as good as this....
Wow, a real song!
This makes a real change from the usual electronica on the audio portal.
It is a shame that the recording quality is poor. Sorry, but it really is!
It certainly should inspire you to spend a day in the studio or at least buy a cheap and cheerful condenser mic.
Your voice deserves better. The guitar though, sounds better.
The recording quality being lo-fi kinda suits it, like an old folk song on scratchy vinyl!
I look forward to hearing more of your stuff, better recording will be a big bonus but make sure it never sounds too produced because it would lose a lot of its charm. Something like Adam Green would be my aim if I were you.
So, well done!
<Review Request Club>
Dunno if it's too late to ask -- PM me who Adam Green is?
interesting, catchy but slighlty confused.
I like this tune, but it's a bit muddled. It's having an identity crisis!
The piano sets a nice tone for a bit of relaxed jazzy drum and bass, but then the kick is way too heavy and there really isn't a bassline. A cleaner kick and a nice bassline would do wonders.
Also, once being set up for a nice bit of Jazzy DnB, I'm assaulted by trance synths.
The synths do sound good when they're filtered or whatever, but when they are full on it's too much.
The panning on the piano is worth mentioning- it makes it sound loads better but again it's gonna stand out more if there's less synths to detract from it.
Make a choice dude, the synth or the piano!
(I'd choose the piano.)
<Review Request Club>
Either brilliant or rubbish, I can't decide!
There's a handful of games that this tune would really fit in perfectly. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it's been created with them in mind!
Most of my head is telling me it's an awful piece of crap and I should turn it off, but I think that's just because I've heard so many awful tunes with the same set of sounds. You can certainly make a catchy melody and I reckon this one's gonna be in my head for the rest of the day. Everything is in is really punchy and clear but next time use some nice instruments and samples.
So, it would be perfect in a retro game with a bit of irony, but anywhere else would be a crime- I mean seriously, what would you do if you heard this in a club? Surely you'd be heading for the nearest exit!
<Review Request Clu>
Thanks MakingFunGames. It's very cheesy, I know. Just experimenting. (I usually make really experimental songs, so this is different for me :P) Thanks for reviewing!
Repetitive and simple
Sorry, I like the idea of re-mixing the classics and all, but this really doesn't do much.
It's just the same bit over and over again with a couple of layers playing the same thing to build it. Greensleeves is longer than just one bar, unless it's a ringtone!
If you'd written some extra bits or something it might be more impressive, like a funky bassline. As it is it's very flat.
As I said though, It does mainly sound like a ringtone from 1987 and there's not enough added to detract from that.
So, to try and be constructive- if you're covering something, add more to it to make it original and if you're going with something well known like this, play all of it and not just a repeated chorus.
<Review Request Club>
The song itself isn't long, as you said, but then again the original has words. I'm no singer. I'm sorry you didn't like it. :(
Definitely worth finishing
Good work.
Nice to hear something with lyrics on here- good lyrics too.
I like your style- it's easy to make out the words and the background is nice and low key.
Stick a catchy chorus in there and please don't resort to sampling a song from the eighties!
Looking forward to hearing more- I'll keep my eyes open for updates on this one.
Well punchy
I really like this, especially the bass- it's just so punchy and clear. I really like the amount of variation within it too- it chops and changes all the time and never gets old.
Having said that, there are a couple of bits that are especially good and personally I'd like to hear more of them- Maybe you could pick one bit to be the verse and one bit the chorus, save the filters and stuff for bridges and refrains. I dunno, it's just I imagine trying to dance to it and it would be pretty difficult cos it's too unpredictable.
Production is top banana though, you obviously really know what you're doing.
Make it more of a tune and less of a showcase and it would be a hit.
Hardly just "basic loop practice"!
Wow, I really like it. You've managed to make something really mellow which is a real achievement at that tempo!
The synthlines are just lovely, and you've kept the drums simple enough for you to be able to focus on the melody.
The hats almost get a bit much but then the whole thing breaks down completely and it works really well apart from that one bit where the bass drum just donks all over it.
Good work.
<Review Request Club>
Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :]
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